Malham Village Webcam Malham webcam shows the view looking west, of Pikedaw Hill over Malham village in North Yorkshire, UK.

Weather Information
Last Updated 10:30 BST

Now15.9 °C95.6 %1016 mb361 lux

Weather Information
Last Updated 10:30 BST

  • Temperature

    15.9 °C   Rising

  • Humidity

    95.6 %   Falling

  • Pressure

    1016 mb   Steady

  • Light

    361 lux   Falling

Temperature Graph
Humidity Graph
Pressure Graph
Light Graph

Sun Position Times are for Saturday 27/07/2024 in Malham (54.0610°N, 2.1530°W)

Today04:23 BST05:11 BST13:15 BST21:17 BST22:05 BST
from yesterday
2 m 0 s later1 m 38 s later0 m 1 s earlier1 m 40 s earlier2 m 2 s earlier
Elevation-6° 55.0°
0.23° lower than yesterday
DefinitionCivil dawn - Sun 6° below horizon in the morningSun level with horizon in morningSolar noon - Sun directly southSun level with horizon in afternoonCivil dusk - Sun 6° below horizon in the afternoon
  • Dawn 04:23 BST

    2 m 0 s later than yesterday

    Civil dawn - Sun 6° below horizon in the morning

  • Sunrise 05:11 BST

    1 m 38 s later than yesterday

    Sun level with horizon in morning

  • Noon 13:15 BST

    0 m 1 s earlier than yesterday

    Elevation: 55.0° (0.23° lower than yesterday)

    Solar noon - Sun directly south

  • Sunset 21:17 BST

    1 m 40 s earlier than yesterday

    Sun level with horizon in afternoon

  • Dusk 22:05 BST

    2 m 2 s earlier than yesterday

    Civil dusk - Sun 6° below horizon in the afternoon

If the image is black or very dark, it's probably night time or the blinds are closed! The image will stop updating during the night.

Weather station battery voltage: 3.63v